It’s a bold statement but one that we know is true.
With customers demanding their products to be delivered faster, companies are struggling to keep up with the rapid evolution of how e-commerce now works.
Many companies have spent a large amount of time and money creating advanced logistics processes to support faster product turnaround in an attempt to keep up with demand. Addressing the logistical process is one thing but in many cases the packaging process has suffered as a result.
Countless large retailer systems consist of stocking a limited amount of standard size boxes and hoping that the products they offer will fit, adding void fillers to take up wasted space. These legacy systems produce the unnecessary costs of buying void fill and purchasing larger boxes than needed. These two items alone amount to serious costs, reducing profit margins and taking up valuable storage space.
Excess packaging is creating poor customer experiences
Further to this, excess packaging can be a nightmare for customers. Fillers such as bubble wrap and polystyrene are not accepted in UK recycling bins, thus creating an added headache when attempting to dispose of their waste environmentally. A simple Google search of excess packaging opens a whole world of images and news stories relating to absurd amounts of packaging and disappointed customer reviews.
As all businesses know customers (especially new customers), will make a judgement of your brand based on the full order experience. The products packaging plays a significant role in this process, as it is the first physical representation of your company that they will be able to hold in their hands.
How can you find a way to eliminate void fillers, reduce your corrugated spend, decrease your warehouse storage of box pallets and decrease your transportation costs?
Stephen Rector talks to The Business Reporter about how Ribble can help:
Find out more about Right Size and the benefits it could bring you.